6 Inspiring Ways To Avoid Biting Your Fingernails

Nail art


Your nails are something people always observe when they meet you for the very first time, apart from shoes. So we need to keep our nails healthy and hygienic. I had a habit of biting my nails which were painful as well as not pleasing to look at. So with my personal experience, I would like to share with you what you can do to keep your nails spick and span.

1. Motivate and inspire yourself

Nail Art Design

I inspired myself by looking at fingernail art and healthy nail pictures on Pinterest. This encouraged me to avoid biting them and grow them. It takes time to mentally prepare yourself, but once you do, no one can stop you, and your nails grow at a constant speed.

2. Apply polish on your nails

Transparent Polish On Nails

Applying a transparent or colored polish might help as it contains chemicals that taste bad. I started applying transparent polish when I grew my fingernails at a particular length. This also motivates you to not bite them as your nails would look a lot more appealing to your eyes.

3. Eating the right kind of food

Protein-Rich Food

Healthy food helps us to grow our fingernails faster. Try incorporating protein-rich foods which include beans, cauliflower, almonds, and banana. These foods also contain biotin supplement which helps in the natural growth of nails.

4. Keeping yourself busy

Keep Yourself Busy

I tried to keep myself busy by engaging in work or doing activities that needed some thinking. This helps us to avoid thinking about our fingernails. I also tried eating chewing gum to keep my mouth busy, but avoid having it on a regular basis.

5. Moisturize and oil your nails

Moisturizing Nails
Oiling Nails

Moisturizing and oiling help our nails to have healthy growth. You can dip your nails in a bowl of oil. It helps us to strengthen our nails and help them get the required nourishment they should get.

6. Trim your fingernails on a regular basis

Trim Your Fingernails

Trimming is different from biting your fingernails. It helps give us a perfect shape while biting can damage your nails and our skin beneath. So if you don’t wish to keep them long for a long time, cut and shape your nails.


Nail biting happens only when you have something to stress about and then it takes a toll on yourself and you develop a habit of it. Do not avoid the symptoms if you have a fingernail problem. The above-mentioned points helped me grow my fingernails and I hope these help you too. So try these ideas and keep your nails pretty and healthy always!


Is it possible to quit biting your fingernails in a month?

It is possible, though it will take a toll on your mental health and you will feel restless. 3 months is an ideal time to help you quit.

What can you do to keep yourself busy?

Try engaging yourself in activities such as sports, music, talking to your friends, or writing in journals.

What are other ways by which you can help quit biting?

You can cover your nails with bandages or you can quit biting them by focusing only on one finger at a time.

What can you apply other than polish to quit biting?

You can use nail inhibitors. It should be available at a local pharmacy. It has a foul smell that helps you quit biting.

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