Plank (likewise called a front hold, drift, or stomach span) is a strong practice that includes keeping a position like a push-up for the greatest time. Planks help gain core strength and build abs with minimal risks of back and neck injuries. This column consists of different ways to plank for beginners. Take the challenge for a stronger core.
1. Plank (Duration: 30 seconds)
Lie on the floor with your toes and forearms on the ground. Keep your body straight and hold this position as long as you can.
This exercise strengthens the abdomen, back, and shoulders.
2. Plank Jacks (Duration: 30 seconds)
Start in the straight arm plank position with your hands under your shoulders and feet together.
Hop your feet apart and land on your toes, then hop back. Repeat the exercise.
3. Diagonal Plank (Duration: 30 seconds)
Start in the straight arm plank position. Lift your right arm and left leg until they are parallel with the ground.
Return to the start position and repeat with the other side.
4. Plank Hip Dips (Duration: 30 seconds)
Start in the standard plank position.
Twist your spine to your left side until your left leg touches the floor, then twist to the other side.
Repeat this exercise.
5. Up and Down Plank (Duration: 30 seconds)
Start in the straight arm plank position.
Then bend your right arm and place your forearm on the ground with your elbow under your shoulder. Bend your left arm and come down into the traditional plank position.
Then reverse and come back to the start position. Repeat the exercise.
Keep your body straight during the exercise. Exhale when you come down and inhale when you come up.
It is a great exercise for the quadriceps, triceps, and abdominal muscles.
6. Crab Kick Up (Duration: 30 seconds)
Sit on the floor with your legs bent, hips up, and fingers pointing forward under your shoulders.
Kick your feet in the air alternating left and right.
7. Side Plank Front Kick (Duration: 30 seconds)
Start in a left-side plank position, then lift your upper leg and kick forward. Return to the start position and repeat.
Do not sway your hips and keep your legs and upper body straight during the exercise.
Exhale when your leg kicks out and inhale when your leg comes back. Repeat this exercise from the right side plank position.
It is a great exercise for the gluteus and quadriceps.
You can also check out killer core HIIT abs workout!
Do planks slim your waist?
Yes they do slim your inches and if you do it regularly they also build up your abs.
Can you do planks for a longer period of time?
If you’re a beginner, you should hold a plank for 30 seconds or 60 second only otherwise it might lead to back ache and neck pain.
Do we have to wear shoes while doing a plank?
It is not at all necessary to wear shoes while doing a plank, however, shoes help avoid slipping.
Where to look while you’re doing a plank?
Try to look straight while you’re doing a plank. It will keep your posture in place. Avoid looking down.
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