Trust Me, Follow These Steps, And You Will Love Your Mornings 

How mornings should feel

Well, most of us do not like to get up early in the morning unless we have something important to do. You must have had a scolding from your parents at least once about waking up early. If not, then kudos, you have achieved a long-term goal! You must have observed that when you sleep late at night, you feel low, tired, and sleepy throughout the day. A saying that we all have heard, early to bed, and early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. When we wake up early we are more energetic and feel fresh. An early bird does all its work on time and if we look at a night owl, although awake the entire night, even if it tries to, does nothing. 

There are a few tips and tricks that you can engage in, to love your mornings:

1. Have a good night’s sleep

Have a good night's sleep

If you want to wake up early, it is obvious to sleep on time. A person needs at least 8 hours of sleep on average. Try to wake up at the same time every day using an alarm. This will be easy afterward as it will be a routine for you.

2. Do not look at your phones immediately after waking up

Do not look at your phones immediately after waking up

I know everyone says it, but believe me, we actually should not look at our phones. When we look at our phones we do not look only at one thing. We check out all our social media handles which takes up a lot of time and we miss a chance to do other things as well.

3. What you should do immediately after waking up

Wash your face immediately after waking up
Brush your teeth immediately after waking up

Try to get out of bed within 5 minutes of waking up. Immediately you should wash your face with cold water and brush your teeth. This will help you to feel fresh and start your day.

4. Workout in the morning 

Running in the morning

Working out makes our day more active and we do not have to worry to do it later if we do it in the morning only. It also helps in weight loss by burning our stored fat. Yoga is also a great way to start your day with meditation.

5. Journaling after waking up


Journaling for at least 10 minutes is a wonderful way to get your day started. We would know exactly what to do and we can schedule and plan our time according to it. Writing also helps clear up your head.

6. Having a hearty and protein-rich breakfast

Healthy breakfast

Eating the right amount of nutrients also helps our body to wake up correctly. Try to have a drink a glass of warm water and eat a pre-workout snack. This will help you to strengthen yourself during the workouts. Eat a protein-rich breakfast to prevent wear and tear of muscles.

With these steps, we all can easily love our mornings and make the best use of it!


How to sleep early?

Try to sleep an hour before the actual time you sleep. Sleeping in the same posture for at least 15 minutes also helps you to sleep easily. Try not to look at your phones.

What to eat for your breakfast?

Try incorporating protein-rich foods for example nuts, fruits, oatmeal, boiled eggs, etc., and drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day.

What to write in your journal?

You can write your day-to-day work from small things to do to actual important things. This will keep you sorted. You can also keep a check on your mood by writing down how you feel.

What is the best time to work out?

According to experts, the best time to work out in the morning is from 5:00 am to 9:00 am.

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