Unquestionable Top 6 Essentials Girls Should Have In Their Bag


There are a lot of items that we keep in our bags but we cannot find them when we need them the most. The mantra to this is that we should only put those items that we are in desperate need of. We should always pack the items the previous night. By keeping the following items, we can prepare ourselves and also feel confident.

1. Masks and Hand Sanitizer

Masks and hand sanitizer

There are places where we do not have proper sanitation and hygiene. So hand sanitizer comes to our rescue at this point. This is the second best way to keep your hands germ-free, washing your hands being the first one. Due to COVID-19 rules, people have also started carrying a sanitizer spray with them. Masks are a compulsion even after the pandemic in areas where we have a lot of pollution. This is especially beneficial for people who go for field visits. Carry at least 2 masks in your bag.

2. Wipes or tissues

A girl wiping her face

Like hand sanitizers, we should also carry wipes and tissues in our bags in case of emergencies. Me being a clumsy person always carry wipes and tissues in case I spill food on my clothes. It is for our convenience and comfort. These are lightweight and are of great use in summers to wipe our sweat. It prevents diseases. If you catch a cold or flu, carrying wipes or tissues is a must.

3. Hair ties and safety pins

Hair ties
Safety pin

I cannot find rubber bands in my bag at the time of need even when I keep lots of them. They always tend to disappear. Rubber bands help us in staying put together. It helps a lot when it’s too hot and prevents irritation. Safety pins are also important for us as it helps us when we are stuck in a wardrobe malfunction situation. So we should have them in our bag if something happens.

4. Sanitary Napkins

Sanitary napkins

Sanitary napkins are one of the most important items for us to keep. Because of fluctuations in hormones, our period can come early as well as can get delayed. By keeping them, we can prepare ourselves and also help our friends if they are in need. Carry at least 2 sanitary napkins in your bag always in case of urgency.

5. Makeup

Makeup products for women

Makeup is somewhat a secondary item that we should keep in our bags. You don’t have to put an entire box but only the ones you think are essential. I carry an eyeliner and a lip balm or lipstick for a touch-up. You can also choose according to your priority. Makeup can be beneficial when we have to go somewhere from our school or office and we don’t have the time to get ready. We can always do a touch-up.

6. Sunscreen

A woman applying sunscreen

We should never step out of our house without applying sunscreen. The rays of the sun are very harmful and can damage our skin. So we need to apply sunscreen and keep reapplying it after 2-3 hours. Even if you don’t wish to carry your makeup bag, carry sunscreen. You can take suggestions from your dermatologist if you don’t know which one will suit your skin.

Apart from these, it is obvious that we carry our mobile phones with us all the time. I also carry my earphones in case I’m traveling someplace far.

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